A Disney fan blog about the good things in life.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Another pairing to make my heart flutter- Pirates inspired nailpolishes by OPI

Most know of my Captain Jack obsession and my love of all things girly and makeupy-is that a real word? Well OPI decided to collide my worlds and come up with some Pirates Of The Carribean - On Stranger Tides shades that I'm sure the Captain himself would fancy.

Skull & Glossbones
Best light gray ever, no bones about it.

Mermaid’s Tears
Few have seen this magical green.

Steady as She Rose
This gorgeous pink is your final destination.

Planks a Lot
Dive into style with this lustworthy purple!

Sparrow Me the Drama
This cool, collected pink means business!

Stranger Tides
Explore this uncharted sea of sage.

Silver Shatter
A shimmering sea of silver with a two-texture finish.

Because of the title and the pink I'm going with Sparrow Me the Drama. Savvy?

What say you? Tell us your fave.

~ Karen

Epcot Trains - A 3 Year Old Obsession

My husband, 3 year-old son and I recently took a 3-day cruise on the new Disney Dream (more on that trip later). We stopped over one day before the cruise at Disney and spent a obscene amount of time watching the miniature trains at Epcot/Germany.

My 3 year old is, well, obsessed and I found a video to flame the fires a bit. Take a ride on the train mini-style. I must admit-- this view is much better than the one standing with the other train-crazy kids.

*side note* if you have train-crazy children and find yourself standing at the same spot for hours on end, there is a beer tent a few yards away. It helps. There is also a good view of Illuminations from this area if your child sets up camp for the day as ours did.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Slacker #2 - Old Fart Birthday Planning

Yes, I know it's April. And yes I realize that it's been 2011 for almost 4 months. But here I am. Back. On the blog.

Maybe it's Captain Jack's photo. Maybe it's the warm weather creeping up on us. But I think we need some new posts up in here. So here goes.

Our biggest discussions these days seem to revolve around 40th birthday celebrations. Where to go what to do... all roads keep leading back to something Disney related, but both Karen and I are in heavy planing mode. She's in July. I'm in November. Both in 2012, so we have some time.

That said, it's never to early to plan.

celebrate good times. Come on! (Not sure what letter I was trying to make.)

Ideas include:
  • cruise to Bahamas (Disney boat from NYC)
  • cruise to Bermuda
  • Paris. That's my fantasy trip (no kids)
  • cruise from FL on the Disney Dream with two stops on Castaway
  • Disney only with some fav stops at Cali Grill
  • Atlantis and Bobby Flay
Decisions. Decisions. Again, we have some time. But it will creep up and neither of us are going to pass on an opportunity to celebrate. Followed by a little bit of crying for the big 4-0. Followed by some drinking. Followed by great food and great friends.

What say you? Where's a great 40th celebration spot (besides under a rock)


Monday, April 18, 2011

Slackers please come back..the Captain needs you

Yes we are blog slackers..and yes we have'nt written one damn thing in 3 months . So to de- rustify myself I will be brief and just leave you with this picture while I clear my thoughts and crack down on our lazy BF ways

The picture really is all I wanted to share anyways
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